
The Eternity Star: Chapter 17

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Chapter 17
Undisclosed Measures

"Are you crazy? Wait, that's a stupid question, you are crazy," Dalia snorted as she, Jim, Alice, and the rest of their friends made their way to the library to deposit Alice's book and from there head over to Smithy's apartment. Alice rolled her eyes. Her friend had done nothing else but complain about how dangerous the situation was since they'd left the ship. "I mean, of all things! I know you and Jim are hopelessly in love, but that doesn't mean you have to give in to everything he says."

"Dalia, this is my choice, and I trust Jim not just because he's my boyfriend, okay? I suggest you start putting a little more faith in him as well," Alice scowled.

"Oh, fine, fine, let the adrenaline junkie get us killed, that's a great idea," Dalia snorted. Jim walked ahead of the group with Doug and Ray, but the three boys were still able to hear the conversation.

"Dalia, please," Alice begged, keeping her voice low. "I agree it's not the best idea, but Silver can help."

"Really? In what way that doesn't involve us all getting arrested for aiding a wanted pirate?" she scoffed.

"Look, if you have a problem, go back," Jim snapped, sliding to a halt and whirling around to face Alice's roommate. "You don't know anything about Silver," Jim snarled.

"I know enough to know that I don't have to know much about him to know that Silver's neck could very soon be supported by a hangman's noose," Dalia growled. Jim glared at her, his fist clenching at his sides. Alice stepped between them.

"Both of you stop this. I've had enough fighting to last a lifetime. Nobody is forcing you to come, Dalia, if you don't like it, you can go back," Alice said.

"Yeah, go back and wash off your algae skin," Josephine snorted from behind them. Before Alice could stop her, Dalia had spun around and slammed her fist into Josephine's gut making the girl double over from pain and lack of air.

"Dalia!" Alice gasped.

"Don't tell me you're taking sides with the cadet whose trying to steal your boyfriend, Alice," Dalia snapped. Alice looked appalled.

"I am not taking anyone's side. She should not have said that to you, but you should not have punched her," Alice scolded before turning to Jim. "You stop bickering with Dalia. Everyone just calm down."

"Calm down?" Josephine screeched. "She punched me," she accused, pointing her manicured finger at Dalia and shaking her black curls out of her face.

"You know what I love most about all of this?" Ray supplied, wrapping an arm around Dalia and Jim's shoulders.

"What?" Doug asked, stepping closer.

"The adventure. Mmm, delicious, isn't it? Now come on, guys, how many times do we get to do sneaky stuff like this? It's just like in those old story books. The great stories. The one's the really mattered as a kid. Now come on, stop being a bunch of rapscallions and let's go find Smithy's place," he grinned, patting their backs and skipping forward. Dalia sighed and apologized to Jim, but Alice seemed to be the only one that realized she had said nothing to Josephine. It didn't seem to make a difference. The pompous sixteen year old behind her resorted to muttering curses under her breath directed at Dalia's back. Alice ignored her glare when Jim reached over and took Alice's hand as they walked.

They reached the library with time to spare just as they'd hoped. Depositing the book it was only a quick walk over to Smithy's apartment. Silver had suggested moving on soon, and Alice sincerely hoped he hadn't already left. Reaching the second landing, Jim grabbed the brass knocker and let it bang against the door three times.

For a moment nothing happened until a shaky voice called out.

"Who's there?"

"Smithy, it's us," Alice called back. "Alice, Jim, Doug, Dalia, Josephine, and Ray." There was the sound of several locks being pulled back as the door was finally flung open. In the doorway stood a relieved looking Smithy, his skin as colorful as ever. He smiled at all of them.

"What are you guys doing here? Sorry about the locks, but with wanted pirates you never can be too careful," he whispered.

"Is Silver here?" Jim asked. "We need to talk, and we don't have much time."

"Oh sure, come on in," Smithy said, holding open the door was they all shuffled into the cramped living space. Once the door was secured once again Smithy headed down the hall to find Silver. They didn't have to wait long. The cyborg's looming shape lumbered down the halls until he stood in front of the group of cadets once more.

"Jimbo? Alice? What are ya doin' here again? I would a thought yeh would 'ave left," he chuckled as Morph flew out of Jim's pocket and greeted Silver again, always happy to be in the presence of an old friend.

"Well that's what we thought too," Jim began. "We don't have much time, Silver. The only reason we came back was because we found out about Alice's necklace," he fired off a rapid explanation. Silver hesitated in petting Morph.

"Is tha' so? Where does it lead?" he asked. Jim and Alice relayed the information, almost seeming to talk over each other. When they had finished Silver blinked in surprise.

"So it seems teh Cap'n and all o' yeh have it figured out already," he grunted, taking a seat in the armrest in the sitting room.

"That's sort of why we came," Jim wavered. "Silver, we all want you to come with us."

Silver got right back to his feet.

"I will do no such thing! Have yeh gone bloomin' daft, boyo?" he demanded.

"Silver, hear us out. You don't have to stowaway on the ship. Jim and I thought you and Smithy could take a longboat to Terebellum and hide out close by so that when we need you we can message you," Alice explained. Jim nodded along with his friends. Silver still shook his head.

"Jimbo, Alice, it's much too dangerous. I can't take dat risk. Yer safe wit teh captain on yer mission," he said.

"Yeah well last time the captain was brutally injured and Alice and I had to go it alone," Jim grumbled, crossing his arms. Silver's face hardened.

"Yeh know tha' wasn't me fault, Jimbo. I tried ta stop Meltdown from hittin' yeh with the cannon." Meltdown had been the gunner aboard the RLS Legacy on their adventure to Treasure Planet. When Jim, Alice, Amelia, and Delbert had escaped in the longboat, he had fired a laser ball at them that cracked several of Amelia's ribs, gave her internal bleeding, and blew off their longboat engines, forcing them to crash onto the planet.

"Wait. What's this about the Captain getting brutally injured?" Ray asked, pushing his way forward.

"Look, Silver, what Jim's trying to say is that we'd feel more comfortable if you came with to help us if Dancer shows up again," Alice explained, ignoring Ray's comment.

"I still think it's really irrational," Dalia mumbled. Silver sighed as he looked between all of the cadets.

"Hide out in a longboat until yeh message me to follow?" Silver eyed them down. Jim and Alice shook their heads as Morph also trilled in agreement. "An' what would I do when yeh start yer adventure, eh? Follow behind on a longboat teh whole time? That's a rash idea, an' both o' yeh know it."

"Jim, Alice? Might I interject that Silver on a longboat is a bad idea. Captain Amelia could very well spot him following the ship, or a meteor shower could hit and he'd be caught in the undertow, or a supernova, or –"

"Doug?" Jim interrupted, turning to face his friend. "We get it." Doug fell silent as Silver rubbed his face in exasperation.

"Jimbo, bein' able to go on another treasure hunt compels me jus' as much as you, but I jus' t'ink a pirate like me gettin' caught on another adventure especially by Cap'n Amelia will be teh end o' me," he sighed. Jim took a step forward.

"Please, Silver? We want you to come with us. You and Smithy could help," Jim pleaded. Silver sighed as he rubbed his face and was quiet for a long moment.

"An' I'll jus' hide out around Terebellum until yer ready ta find me?" he asked. Jim and Alice nodded.

"But I'm warnin' all o' yeh. If I get teh sense me whereabouts are bein' sniffed out, I'm gonna turn and flee for me life, understand?"

Jim and Alice nodded again.

"Alright. I don't speak for Smithy 'ere, but I'll just grab me things an' get goin'," Silver cleared his throat.

"Yes!" Alice whooped as Ray also joined in.

"Man, guys, I never knew this is what adventure meant to you," the dark skinned boy teased.

"Oh, you don't know the half of it," Jim shot back as Morph squealed and Smithy's skin rippled the color green.

"I don't see how this could possibly end well, but I'm already breaking the law hosting a wanted pirate so…" he trailed off and smiled as he too headed down the hall for his things. Josephine, who was leaning against the table, scowling at how Jim looked at Alice, let her gaze slide over to the clock on the wall.

"Jim," she called, immersing herself in the group and forcing her way between Alice. "Jim, the time? We've spent at least fifteen minutes doing all this. We better hurry back," she announced, standing closer than Jim really felt necessary. Alice's hands curled into fists at her side as her blood boiled watching Josephine lean in as if she and Jim were about to share a kiss. Jim put his hands on her shoulders and tried to step around her, but Josephine was fast. She wasn't letting Jim get out of it this time. She wrapped her arm around his, fitting into his side and pulling him forward. Alice and the rest of their group watched in interest to see what the girl was hoping to accomplish.

Jim's cheeks were pink as he pulled his arm out of her grasp.

"Josephine, stop. You can't do that, I've told you before. Alice and I are dating, what part of that don't you understand?" he demanded, losing his temper with the girl.

Josephine was furious. She was annoyed with the way Alice always got the attention, the handsomest boy in school along with a great adventure. It just wasn't fair. So, thinking fast, Josephine decided to try something she had never tried before.

She wrapped her arms around Jim's neck, and before any of the astounded onlookers could protest, kissed him. Square on the lips. Jim's eyes bulged as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back as he himself stumbled into the wooden table. Josephine was breathing hard and had barely enough time to think before Alice called her name.

"Josephine?" The girl looked up right as Alice slapped her across the face. Her eyes widened as Alice stood there, fuming, looking like a volcano about to erupt. "How dare you kiss him? How dare you kiss him like that?" Alice shouted. Josephine smirked.

"Scared, Alice that I might steal your precious boyfriend?" Alice made to go after the girl when Dalia and Jim intervened, grabbing Alice's arms as she struggled. Even Morph pulled on a piece of Alice's hair to help.

"Let me at her! Let me at her, you know she deserves it!" Alice roared.

"Oh do I?" Josephine screeched, advancing on Alice when Doug and Ray grabbed her back as well.

"You cockroach!" Alice shouted. "I swear if you ever kiss my boyfriend like that again –"

"You'll do what?" Josephine sneered. "Glare at me? You have no talent, you're nothing!"

"Want a bet?" Alice spat, yanking her arm out of Dalia's grip and trying to wind up and punch the girl when Jim grabbed her wrist in a firm hold.

"Stop it, Alice. Stop," he ordered, but when Alice tried to pull away, Jim whirled her around and pushed her gently into the table. "Stop!" Alice blinked as she looked up at Jim's crackling blue eyes staring at her like bolts of lightning. "Enough. She's not worth it," he lowered his voice when he realized he had gotten her to snap out of it. Alice scowled and stared at the ground as Josephine pushed Doug and Ray away.

"Was this why you asked me to come, Alice?" she yelled, tears flooding her brown eyes. "So you could rub it in my face how brilliant your life with Jim is? I hate you! I hate everything about you, because you get whatever you want." Alice stared at her rival with narrowed eyes right as Silver walked back into the room.

"What in blue blazes is goin' on in here?" he demanded, eyeing all of them down. Josephine wiped at her tears furiously as Doug, Ray, and Dalia all shared rather astonished looks that a fight of such magnitude had broken out. They had never seen Alice slap someone like that, and the way her face expressed such contempt for the other girl shocked them.

"It's nothing," Josephine cleared her throat. Silver crossed his arms as Morph nervously flitted over to his side, chirping.

"Tha' ain't look like nothin' ta me, lassie," he commented, noting Josephine's tears.

"It's nothing!" Josephine spat and without another word, turned and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind her. There was a long pause as everyone held their breath.

"Ray and I'll go get her in case any of Dancer's men are lurking about," Doug commented, grabbing Ray as the boys headed for the door. Dalia looked between Jim and Alice who seemed to be having a silent conversation with their eyes.

"I'm coming too," she agreed, scrambling out the door after them. Silver looked between Jim and Alice as the couple stared back.

"Yeh two best get goin' so as not to arouse suspicion," he commented. Jim nodded as he took Alice's hand and called to Morph. The shape shifter cooed affectionately and rubbed against Silver's double chin before taking refuge in Jim's pocket once more. Jim and Alice gave an awkward goodbye, knowing they'd see him again soon enough as they left the apartment.

Jim kept his pistol at the ready in case they were jumped by any unsuspecting ruffians, but in the crowded town everyone seemed concerned with their own business. He swallowed and looked at Alice who glared ahead, not seeming to notice Jim's hand on her back.

"You didn't need to slap her like that," Jim said, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah? So now I'm in the wrong?" Alice whirled on him, her green eyes flashing, her lip curling into a sneer.

"Wha -? No! That's not what I meant or…well – I mean –" Jim struggled before sucking in a deep breath. "Hitting her and trying to go after her like that really wasn't the best idea, Alice, that's all I'm trying to say."

"Would you have stood by and watched me get kissed if a guy did that to me?" Alice snapped.

"No, but that's beside the point."

"Then what is the point? Girls should let their boyfriends get kissed, but guys shouldn't?" Alice claimed.

"No, Alice, I – What did you think I was going to do? Return the gesture?" Jim asked, pulling her to a halt and putting his hands on her arms as he stared down at her. Alice refused to meet his gaze, glowering in every other direction as she stayed silent. Jim blinked in amazement. "You really expected me to kiss her back? Wow thanks for trusting me. I'm glad I know my girlfriend thinks I'd kiss other girls for the heck of it," Jim threw up his hands, his own annoyance flaring to life.

"Of course I didn't think you'd return it, I'm just scared of losing you Jim!" Alice shouted, gathering some unwanted attention as several pedestrians looked their way. Jim watched as Alice shook her head. "You're the only thing that keeps me from feeling like I'm drowning," she whispered, not meeting his eyes. "In all the fairytales the prince and princess kiss and that's it. I don't know how to react, Jim. I never prepared myself for the weird twists in a relationship. I thought it was as plain as black and white, but it's not and I'm scared now. I don't want to let the best thing in my life slip away before –"

Alice's rambling was cut off as Jim shook his head, a smile on his lips and a chuckle in his throat as he pulled her into a kiss. His arms wrapped around her back, his hands positioned there, gripping her academy uniform and bringing her closer, closer still as he kissed her hard, relaying all of his feelings for her. Alice kissed him back, one hand on his arm, the other on the back of his neck. When the kiss ended, Jim planted one last kiss on her cheek before pulling back and grinning from ear to ear. Alice was wonderstruck as she stared at him silently laughing at her.

"Do you think I want to give up the best thing that's happened to me?" he asked in return. Alice blushed and looked down as Jim kept his arms around her. "Honestly, Alice, does our relationship have to be this complicated? I love you and that's all there is to it. I feel as if it could be black and white but together we happen to paint it every color in between."

Alice's gaze snapped up as she took in Jim's face, his sincere blue eyes and gentle half smile. She returned the expression as realization struck her.

"T-that's the first time," she stammered. Jim's brow furrowed.

"What's the first time?" he asked. Alice bit her lip, her cheeks glowing.

"The first time you said you loved me," she muttered. Jim looked taken aback as he let out a nervous laugh and scratched the back of his neck. "Well, yeah. I thought it went without saying."

"Yeah but saying it out loud makes it so different," Alice said.

"Does it?"

"It's more official…" Alice trailed off, unable to stop her smile as she looked back at Jim. "I like it." Jim shook his head, grinning, as he took her hand and nudged her forward, continuing up the street.

"I'll say it again, if you like," he joked.

"Well go on, I'm waiting," Alice shot back in her own teasing manner.

"I love you."

There was a moment of hesitation as Alice let that word sink into her skin and imbed in her heart.

"I love you too."
Okay since I'm lazy I'm just gonna copy and paste the description I wrote on last night:

And I was going to make this chapter longer, but then decided not to. Sorry for the spontaneous drama and romance, I wasn’t planning on writing it until it happened. Like a pain splatter…
Oh well, I thought you guys would like the drama anyway. My bad if it’s not that great, but to me I feel like that’s the best drama I’ve ever written which is pretty sad. Not my best writing in this chapter but it was 1:44 in the morning when I wrote it.


Anyway, so yeah in all the past chapters with Jim and Alice love I was real careful not to have them say they loved each other. Why? Well because when you’re in a new relationship you don’t come right out and say I Love You after a couple dates. It takes time and trust, and Alice and Jim have been together for half the year now, they sure do trust each other.

Once again I’m going from experience. My first relationship when my ex told me he loved me I was like, “whoa!” It was pretty cool. But enough about me.

Also I added a bit of background on the Treasure Planet voyage I guess if other people need it to help them understand, I'm thinking like my parents if they ever read this. Authors often pepper in details from the previous story in the second book so it jogs their readers' memories.

So yeah the next chapter will be more interesting because it actually has some action! Woo!

And Josephine, she’s really having a rough day. Don’t worry, the sun will shine on her again soon, as annoying as she is to the rest of the group. Dalia has a mean streak. Just kidding she’s more “I’m gonna get real mad and punch someone if you say stuff like that” sort of person, she’s also not one to take risks.

And Alice. Hooweee! Boy does she have a defensive mechanism or what? Yeah, bet ya didn’t expect that! Well I didn’t either, the idea came to me while writing it. Sorry again if this chapter is bad and the drama seems totally random.

Thanks all of you for the continued support especially my top reviewers: :icon95jeh: and :iconmermaidgirlforever:

You guys mean the world to me! As well as all of my other reviewers and supporters on here! I wish I could reach through the screen and hug you all.

Everyone should also check out :iconmermaidgirlforever: 's complete Treasure Planet series and her book project!

And of course :icon95jeh:'s Treasure Planet fan fiction on

And my book project on here
© 2012 - 2024 Eventhorizon6
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LoverofUnicorns96's avatar
Holy crap! I did not see that coming! Alice slapping Josephine stunned me to the core! Josephine did deserve that slap, I would have cheered for Alice!

I'm no drama fan, but with all those arguments, I understand it keeps the story moving, hopefully a few fights will happen between my own version of Treasure Planet with Jim and my OC Rose. 

Overall, this story is getting interesting!